Covid-19 explained

Currently, the world is experiencing a pandemic and I thought I’d reflect on my personal situation during these strange times.

I have been working from home for 4 months now, so I’m not nearly as freaked out as other people are staying at home in social-distancing myself.

I am healthy, physically and mentally. Washing my hands. Not touching my face.

Looking at all the positive things happening through all of this, rather than focussing on all the negative, fear and panic so dominant online.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people who earn hourly and weekly wages. They will be hit hardest. So wish I was in a position to do more.

I haven’t felt any need to make videos during this period as I find it a bit weird and I’m already having my own internal battle on the value I bring to my non-existent audience on YouTube.

While I expect to still be busy, I do want to try and use this less distracting time to be productive and do the things I usually don’t have time or energy for. So hopefully there will be some progress with the work section of my site, which should reflect more of my journey than endless screens of out-dated work.

Open to the lessons this pandemic might teach us. Currently, a need to care more about community, hygiene and connecting with people I know is top of mind.

Remote working is presenting all sorts of new challenges for people and I believe there will be a huge cultural shift in general. I hope my life experience has taught me enough to get through it. I’m also enthusiastic to give guidance to and help others through this.

For anyone who is struggling mentally or who just needs a friend. Feel free to get in touch, I will do my best to be there for you always.

My appreciation for the medical industry, educators and retail staff at grocery stores who seem most impacted on a day-to-day basis. Your bravery and commitment of service is truly something to marvel at.

To all the people who have directly been affected, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

At this stage, the only sensible thing to do is to not spread the disease any further. None of us know how long this will last and how much this will impact the world as we know it. But try and stay positive, be helpful and don’t give up.

Take care and stay cool ✌️
